I'm so happy with how far this game has come, I love forward when they get the funds to make all of it happen in how they have pictured it. Bust them Up Billie!
Hey, can someone confirm if Black Gryph0n is still a part of this project? I don't feel comfortable with this project if they're still involved. Especially considering the allegations.
i really like this game!,but it has a bug that when you roll exactly when you die you still play with the death animation until the screen turns black.But the game is still 5 stars
played the demo. the boss fight needs to implement my controllers rumble WAY more often. the immersion created by the rhythm is key for this game and the rumble feature will go a long way in creating that.
also the fight needs less periods of being completely dead. it should be escalating more and more in order to convince me that the statue head broke off. but I didn't feel that
As a poor part time college student on a fixed income I would love to try out this demo and gauge if I would buy the full game in the future. Does one have to pledge monthly to an ongoing Patreon subscription to download the full demo, or will a one-time contribution suffice?
ummmmm. you're new to mascot platformers aren't u. banjo Kazooie, sonic the hedgehog, Rachet and clank, crash bandicoot, spyro the dragon. hell, mario dresses up in animal costumes, so u may as well call him a furry. adorably marketable animal characters is nothing new
i keep seeing "The Barnaby Chase Update" but it seems to be just the patreon thing so can someone tell me if its an update or for now ONLY a patreon thing
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we should be able to do barnaby without pateron
why did you put kinito in your game lol
idk how to play someone pls tell me
whats wrong?
Ima make a YouTube vid for me
Quisiera saber como obtengo la pre-alpha actualizada el juego se ve muy bueno y Ando a la espera que salga el juego completo
I'm so happy with how far this game has come, I love forward when they get the funds to make all of it happen in how they have pictured it. Bust them Up Billie!
i cannot play. why? you ask my computer has only like 10 gigs free when i got it and every time i try and load it it will crash
Im getting a computer next month
good for you man
these songs are straight up fire
Hey, can someone confirm if Black Gryph0n is still a part of this project? I don't feel comfortable with this project if they're still involved. Especially considering the allegations.
how to get barnaby
You have to become a patron to get the Barnaby fight if that's what you're asking, if you're asking for the plushy, I want to know too :)
Can I get this game on a PS4, and if so, how?
The game is only on pc at the time being since its still in development and will probably not come to any console
no the only indie games that made it to playstation are cuphead and fnaf
how to download
i fucking hate fantocchio LIKE FUCK THE GUITAR DUDE
i really like this game!,but it has a bug that when you roll exactly when you die you still play with the death animation until the screen turns black.But the game is still 5 stars
Great Game!
i love busting very good game
Donde descargo la ultima version con los 2 bosses :(
played the demo. the boss fight needs to implement my controllers rumble WAY more often. the immersion created by the rhythm is key for this game and the rumble feature will go a long way in creating that.
also the fight needs less periods of being completely dead. it should be escalating more and more in order to convince me that the statue head broke off. but I didn't feel that
omg! this is so cute!!!!!
but i cant play it even though im on windows :[ :{ :(
you need to extract it
i did, i just cant do it for some reason :(
As a poor part time college student on a fixed income I would love to try out this demo and gauge if I would buy the full game in the future. Does one have to pledge monthly to an ongoing Patreon subscription to download the full demo, or will a one-time contribution suffice?
could you add the barnaby chas
They already have, you just need to subscribe to the game's Patreon, I have no idea what it is though
Eww furries
What's wrong with that? This doesn't affect the gameplay.
then don't play
ummmmm. you're new to mascot platformers aren't u. banjo Kazooie, sonic the hedgehog, Rachet and clank, crash bandicoot, spyro the dragon. hell, mario dresses up in animal costumes, so u may as well call him a furry. adorably marketable animal characters is nothing new
the game has anthropomorphic animals. tragic.
please reply
you have to subscribe to their patreon.
how do you get the second game after this one
You mean the Barnaby chase? You need to be subscribe to their Patreon.
how can i download it on pc
Not trying to be rude, but literally the download button.
Do you have a chance to go to mobile??????? Please
They should add a multiplayer mode for the test map. but only for that map, because in the fantoccio boss it would be rare with many players
... when comes to steam?
Its already on Steam.
No, its not.
It IS on Steam, but the game isnt out. But i can definitely see that my comment is confusing or misleading. My bad.
it's good.
what he meant to say is that you need a steam key you get when you subscribe on patreon
its on steam but its not finished for the world to play
why is my screen all blank is it a bug i try downloading it again it seem it didnt work
i keep seeing "The Barnaby Chase Update" but it seems to be just the patreon thing so can someone tell me if its an update or for now ONLY a patreon thing
it is only for patreons 5 and 10$ members
oke thanks
idk if they wil read this but i have to wait 2 months till im 18 so i can make a paypal and get the 10 dollar patreon tier
did you extract it
how can i get barbany chase?
5$ on patreon
do i have toget it from the patreon or can i just install it here
Bruh...the "Pet the Fox" video is private. That cannot be wanted as it is in the description. Is there a problem?
oh wheres baranby chase at do i have to download it from the website itch
5$ on patreon